Work work work work…..wait
Am currently in the “well at least I heard back from someone stage,” of querying. I know this won’t last much longer. One agent responded within 53 minutes after I sent my query. “Not for me,” was the total reply. 53 minutes!
Surely they could have waited an hour. But already I know the quick response is better than the one I wait for.
After this I received a kind rejection. It was a form letter but a well thought out, kind one. I almost felt good for receiving it. Then the next morning I got it again.
“Just to be clear, we are NOT a fit,” they seemed to be saying. I stopped at 20 so far. For one that was about the amount of agents I found that seemed a possible fit. For another it seems around the number you should query at once, give or take. So I await and then decide what might need refining.
We wait.